Toronto's Fans Plan to "Make the Crew and Columbus Pay"
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Thursday, 02 April 2009 13:22
In current cultural parlance, the important thing to do in the wake of unfortunate occurrances in our lives is to "move on".

No need to linger on the negatives. Bad for everyone's psyche.

But unfortunately, when we "move on" without learning anything or changing anything or—worst of all—allow ourselves to indulge in the warm comforts of denial over what really happened in the first place, you can pretty much guarantee that the situation is going to happen again and again and again until you finally admit that there's a problem and deal with it.

So it is with our friends in Toronto today.

In the wake of the incidents (note the use of the plural here) in and around Columbus Crew stadium last weekend, Toronto FC's fans have been subjected to a good deal of criticism. Never having gotten anything but huggie love previously, like any spoiled child, they aren't happy about it.

Now, when that criticism comes from someone like me, they just tell themselves that I'm a "Canada basher" (as if that made any sense) and it's easy to ignore.

But when that criticism comes in the form of editorials in most of Canada's news outlets, it's a lot harder to sweep under the rug.

Harder, but not impossible, because they've now managed to do just that.

The Official TFC Fan Explanation of What Happened in Columbus, which is currently being chiseled into marble for permanent enshrinement on a large plaque someplace at BMO Stadium, goes like this summary, which comes to us COURTESY OF TOM ANSELMI, CEO of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment:

Source: Click Here

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