New England Revolution: Dear Revs, It's Not You, It's Me...Maybe
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MLS News
Saturday, 16 October 2010 22:08

Sometimes I write about soccer here.  But many times life happens.  Jobs get crazy.  Wives travel.  Kids need their parents, or maybe parents need their kids.  And then, I don’t write.  And that’s OK.

But I sit here tonight, watching the New England Revolution play the last home game of a difficult, frustrating and fruitless season, and I figure it’s worth dusting off my very neglected blog.

It’s been so busy in “real” life that I am as out of touch with team news as I have been in any other time in the last few years.  Heck, I just realized that earlier today I told someone that this Kansas City game I’m watching is the Revs' last game of the season…of course, it’s not.  It’s the last home game of the season.  Oh well…

(And trust me, it pains me to admit something in the blathering, pointless, obviously biased and often irrelevant Revolution TV commentary corrected my thinking.)

But I have been busy before, and with this blog being over a year old, I don’t think I’ve had such a long hiatus from it before.

So while outside factors have significantly impacted my ability to comment, it may be that something larger is at play.  I suspect that despite the work needs, the family needs and whatever else is going on, if there was some on-field magic, I would have been writing it up.

So maybe it’s my fault.  Maybe I’m not a good enough fan.  Maybe my expectations are too high.

I suppose I should have written up the proclamations about the new hunt for a designated player, and spouted my views about balance still being king.

I was tempted to comment on my shared elevator ride with Revolution COO Brian Bilello, the night before those DP proclamations and after a frustrating loss.  How I introduced myself as being “just a fan” and watched as the clearly dejected man claimed he’d “been better.”  Yeah, “tough season,” I agreed.

It wasn’t worth saying more.  I already submitted and blogged my questions to him.  I knew what I’d get back.

I am just a fan.  And arguably not a good enough one.

I’m interested in where the soccer-specific stadium process is. I’m curious about what players the Revs are looking at to bring in.

I’m intrigued about many things, but I have come to grips with not seeing the Revolution in the playoffs this year.  I may watch Thursday’s season-ending game.  And I’ll certainly watch the MLS playoffs and the MLS Cup.

But I’m ready to take a break on the Revs.

And herein lies the real issue.  I can take the blame for not being a “good enough” fan, but if that’s the case there are some serious issues.

If a soccer-blogging, prior-season-ticket-holding, frequent-game-attending, MLS-knowledgeable fan is feeling malaise, what must other fans be feeling?

My daughter is only five.  She loves going to Revolution games.  However, at the last one she exclaimed, “Dad, the Revolution ALWAYS lose.”  But I corrected her; “No honey, just usually.”

Something needs to give.

Designated player or no designated player, get some field-related fixes and make some hard choices.

Communications issues need to be sorted out.  I’m still getting great and informative emails from my two only visits to Seattle Sounders games, while the Revs seem to struggle to get the word out locally.

Set some big goals and share them with the fans.

Because most fans won’t be looking in the mirror to question if they are good enough, but they will look at the team and its management and decide they aren’t.

And then we all lose.

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